Grant Program
HMNE is proud to offer two grant programs.
Standard Grants
The first grant program offers a limited number of grants of up to $25,000. These grants are awarded on a rolling basis and are issued to projects dedicated to serving individuals and families earning below 80% of the area's median income ("AMI"). Projects having 20% of the proposed units set aside for individuals and families with income below 50% of AMI and projects having 40% of the units set aside for individuals and families with income below 60% of AMI may receive priority consideration. Organizations that have received grants in three (3) consecutive years are ineligible during the current cycle and must wait one (1) year before reapplying. Please see our Guidelines for Funding page for more information.
To date, over $2,000,000.00 in funds have been awarded through the grant program for a variety of projects, and your project could be next!
To apply, please use the link below to submit the Grant Application Cover Sheet. Along with the Grant Application Cover Sheet, please submit the following additional documents: - A brief description of the project; - A mission statement for your organization; - An IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter for your organization; and - A list of the Board of Directors for your organization.
Applications can be submitted by downloading the application below and submitting the completed application to Jack Daly via email at
If you have any questions about this grant program, please contact Jack Daly by phone at (603) 348-6555 or by email at
The Dr. J. Lee & Judy Westrate Grant for Exceptionalism/Innovations in Affordable Housing
The second grant program, named in honor of Dr. J. Lee Westrate and his wife, Judy Westrate, and in consideration of their lifetime of work in the area of affordable housing, offers one grant annually in the amount of $100,000.00. HMNE awards this grant through a competitive process to an organization in the affordable housing area that is developing, refining, and/or promoting creative new ideas for building or construction practices, materials, design, energy use or efficiency, program services including community outreach or involvement, or policies. The winning grant application will also demonstrate the feasibility and scalability of such innovative ideas or practices.
Applications can be submitted by downloading the application below and submitting the completed application to Debra Scribner via email at
If you have any questions about the Dr. J. Lee & Judy Westrate Grant, please contact Debra Scribner via email at
HMNE is pleased to announce that Allston Brighton CDC was the inaugural winner of this grant for a project to fund 14 units of deeply affordable, permanent housing with on-site services for individuals in advanced stages of addiction recovery.